New Year refers to fresh resolutions that are taken in order to fulfill a lacking area of your life. Resolutions can be of many forms but in this article we are mainly focusing on the financial resolutions that Canadians make during the starting of a new year. Adhering to your financial resolutions at the beginning of a new year might seem like a herculean task, but by following some easy steps this can be easily accomplished.
Credit score should be monitored at an interval of every three months
Keeping track of your credit score will give you a fair idea of how much loan you can take and how much interest rates will be applied on these loans. This will also enable you to maintain a healthy financial life. Opting for an online service which allows unlimited credit monitoring is the best way to approach this task.
Keep a track of everyday expenses
Keeping a track of the money that you spend on an everyday basis is a great way of avoiding unnecessary costs and keeping your expenses in check. Noting down the expenses that you make on a daily basis or taking the help of an app that allows you to achieve this task is a great way to approach this resolution.
Try saving a particular percentage of your weekly salary
Saving a percentage of your weekly salary will enable you to be able to have enough funding for emergencies and even be able to create a considerable fund for future use. Keeping only a minimum percentage aside from your weekly salary is more than enough, and also a great way to keep extra money at hand and stay away from debt.